Wild Ace

Animated Ident

TITLE: Wild Ace

ROLES: Design and Animation

AGENCY: Wild Ace Productions

CLIENT: Wild Ace Productions


An animated ident for the new production company called Wild Ace Productions. The premise behind the idea, is that a wild ace is played in a game of poker and wins the player all the chips, however, someone isn’t very happy!


Katya, a talented young director and producer, was one of the producers behind the Ahmad Tea commercial. So, when she asked if I’d animate a little ident for her new production company—set to MF DOOM, no less — how could I possibly say no?

She had the story outline ready to go, and I jumped in to develop it into a storyboard with characters. Katya had a clear vision for their style and wardrobe, which made the process even more fun. Once the storyboard was approved and turned into an animatic, it was time to animate.

Using After Effects, I rigged the characters and brought them to life, blending in some 3D models treated to look hand-drawn. Piecing the scenes together while listening to one of my favourite hip-hop artists made this project a dream to work on.

Big thanks to Katya. Here’s to collaborating with you again soon!